
The End Of Shark Fin Soup

Yes, this is a shark's eye, pretty cool!

The Numbers Are In, "
70 to 100 Million Sharks Are Killed To Shark Finning! All For Soup?

With Education, We Can Change These Stats.

Precious parents, if you child likes sharks, I found a cool anatomy shark book, to go and look at this book,
Click Picture:

I thank you for taking time to read this article. I'm hitting the ground running to share with you about what is happening with a species in the ocean called the shark!

Well, somebody got the idea to pull a shark onto a boat, cut off their fins, then toss them back in sea. And all for a bowl of soup! And three days later, the shark dies. This is so cruel! The sharks has roamed the oceans for four hundred million years. But man right this minute is putting the shark at great risk for extinction!

When I read that, it made me want to do something about it. Hey, someone has got to speak for the species that doesn't speak our language. Believe me, we would have to wear earplugs if a shark was able to talk at this time in earth's history.

Please Sign This Petition.
Here's where to write the Minister of Environmental Protection. Just tell them your a kid and your for sharks.
Mr. Zhou Shengxian

Sharks are a keystone species, and if they go, the ocean will go way out of balance. The last time I checked, mankind needs the ocean to survive, no math involved. The petition is basically saying, "end the practice of shark finning."

Kids and parents, recently, Senator John Kerry introduced a bill about shark finning. Way to go! Parents, please help them learn what this senator is doing and thank him!

The Shark Conservation Act of 2009 would require all sharks caught in U.S. waters to be landed whole with their fins still attached. This would put an end to shark finning, the process of cutting off the fins and discarding the carcass at sea. Each year, tens of millions of sharks around the world are caught for their fins.

"Shark finning fueled by the foreign fin trade has led to serious population decline and disruption of our waters," said U.S. Senator John Kerry. "We need much stronger solutions to end this illicit trade. Tell every one you know.

"Finned friends, the finish line is finally in sight," said Beth Lowell, federal policy director at Oceana. "Sharks have found a champion in Senator Kerry."

The Shark Conservation Act of 2009 would also close a loophole that deals with the transfer of fins at sea as a way to get around current law. Additionally, the bill would allow the United States to take action against countries whose shark finning restrictions are not as strenuous.

Here's a place where you can write Senator John Kerry to thank him for introducing this bill about shark fins. Hey, if he gets some mail regarding this, He will see that people are interested in the welfare of sharks. Way to go Senator John Kerry!

Aren't they beautiful?
Another tid bit of information, according to Wikipedia, I read that shark fin soup has been going on since the Ming dynasty. Well, it's time to stop this tradition. Some things are meant to end. Also, Wikipedia said this: "Consumption of shark fin soup has risen dramatically

With the middle class becoming more affluent, animal rights activists and environmentalists have called the practice brutal and it is also named as a primary contributing factor in the global decline of many shark species." That would be a duh.
As you know, this is the value of what they do is they eat things. Click open mouth to go to Wikipedia.

I'm pleased to see on the net all the petitions that caring humans have put up for people to sign. If you look hard enough, there is even a petition for the Minister of China. Why? Because restaurants in China sell the soup. I think it would help if some kids wrote to him, it would reach this person's heart.

Scott Bright

1 comment:

  1. Shark fin soup... one shark serves one bowl.

